If you are one of the converts and you live in Japan, chances are you might be hurdling yourself through the difficulty of finding CGM- friendly products that can be found in the shops near your area because you are running out of options other than buying them from outside of Japan via Amazon.

Curly Girl Method or CGM approved products are hard to find. Period. If you even tried google-ing CGM products in Japan, you might not even find another article other than the one you are reading now.

Fret not.

This article seeks to create a list of hair care products found in the local grocery that adheres to the Curly Girl Method. As long as you can read it off the label with your own eyes or through Google Translate app and have the list below ticked off, it’s a go. The product needs to be:





And, you give bonus points to your curly hair if they are:


No animal material

And with high percentage of all-natural ingredients.

1. Herbal Essences has a batch of CGM-certified products that actually appeared on the CGM products database. Both the shampoo and conditioner or treatment, as Japan puts it, is quite refreshing and although a tad pricier than normal hair care products, still affordable compared to ordering stuff off Amazon. But this article will feature a new found gem.

2. Super Food Lab is not on the CGM database but the label has the list above all ticked off. You will be pleased to find the label bilingual in English and mixed kanji and katakana. It has both shampoo and treatment conditioner and it’s made in Japan. It is pricier than normal bottles, which is always the case for anything made in Japan, anyway.

photo by trailercardreamingnomad

They come in 4 or 5 different sets of scents and they can be found at Tokyu Hands near your area.

photo by trailercardreamingnomad

If you know of other CGM-friendly hair care products available in Japan that are not on the list above, I encourage you to share on the comment section so we can compile them together and help CGM converts living in Japan like us on their CGM journey.

Meanwhile, let’s register these products on the CGM database because they deserve the recognition.